From bain maries to chicken displays, Woodson’s extensive line of professional food service equipment can handle a variety of kitchen tasks effortlessly and efficiently. They started their countertop equipment business back in 1954 and have been earning kudos for their reliability and performance ever since. Now part of the Stoddart company, their products are made in a modern manufacturing plant in Brisbane and sold around the world after passing rigorous testing. We carry a host of Woodson countertop equipment, including cold food displays and bars, hot food bars, fryers, toasters, and heat lamps.

In addition, take a look at our full range of professional cold display equipment, hot food displays, and toasters.


From bain maries to chicken displays, Woodson’s extensive line of professional food service equipment can handle a variety of kitchen tasks effortlessly and efficiently. They started their countertop equipment business back in 1954 and have been earning kudos for their reliability and performance ever since. Now part of the Stoddart company, their products are made in a modern manufacturing plant in Brisbane and sold around the world after passing rigorous testing. We carry a host of Woodson countertop equipment, including cold food displays and bars, hot food bars, fryers, toasters, and heat lamps.

In addition, take a look at our full range of professional cold display equipment, hot food displays, and toasters.